Georgia Langworthy -
The majestic sea cow, more commonly known as a Dugong is a graceful giant who lives in the shallow coastal waters stretching from Australia to the Indian ocean and to the coast of East Africa. They are herbivorous, eating on average 30 to 40 kg of flowering plants in seagrass meadows per day to sustain their 3 meter long, 400 kg bodies. They are close relatives of manatees, but live exclusively in salt water. However, today these rotund mermaids are sadly endangered. Tourism, pollution, coastal urbanization, unsustainable traditional use and injuries from sea boat propellers have led their populations to decline to dangerously low levels. Thankfully, it is not too late to save the animal that first inspired the myth of mermaids!
Australia Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, and the Environmental and Water. (n.d.). Dugongs. Dugongs. Retrieved May 4, 2024, from
Le dugong, un animal en danger | WWF France. (n.d.). Retrieved May 4, 2024, from
Image: Islands whale shark dive ningaloo. (2022, December 15). Where Can You See Dugongs In Australia? Where to see dugongs in Australia. Retrieved May 4, 2024, from